Project Alberta

Project Alberta
Foto kelompok Project Alberta di Tinian
AktifMarch – September 1945
Negara Amerika Serikat
 Britania Raya
CabangArmy Corps of Engineers
PeralatanLittle Boy, Fat Man, dan bom labu
Tokoh berjasaWilliam S. Parsons

Project Alberta, juga dikenal sebagai Project A, adalah sebuah bagian dari Proyek Manhattan yang membantu pengiriman senjata-senjata nuklir pertama dalam serangan bom atom Hiroshima dan Nagasaki pada Perang Dunia II.

Project Alberta dibentuk pada Maret 1945, dan terdiri dari 51 personil sipil, AL dan AD Amerika Serikat, termasuk satu ilmuwan Inggris.



  • Alvarez, Luis W.; Trower, W. Peter (1987). Discovering Alvarez: Selected Works of Luis W. Alvarez, with Commentary by his Students and Colleagues. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-81304-2. OCLC 15791693. 
  • Bowen, Lee (1959). Vol. I, Project Silverplate 1943–1946 (PDF). The History of Air Force Participation in the Atomic Energy Program, 1943–1953. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Air Force, Air University Historical Liaison Office. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal 2014-02-22. Diakses tanggal 28 July 2013. 
  • Campbell, Richard H. (2005). The Silverplate Bombers: A History and Registry of the Enola Gay and Other B-29s Configured to Carry Atomic Bombs. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company. ISBN 0-7864-2139-8. OCLC 58554961. 
  • Christman, Albert B. (1998). Target Hiroshima: Deak Parsons and the Creation of the Atomic Bomb. Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press. ISBN 1-55750-120-3. OCLC 38257982. 
  • Coster-Mullen, John (2012). Atom Bombs: The Top Secret Inside Story of Little Boy and Fat Man. Waukesha, Wisconsin: J. Coster-Mullen. OCLC 298514167. 
  • Dvorak, Darrell F. (22 December 2012). "The other atomic bomb commander: Colonel Cliff Heflin and his "Special" 216th AAF Base Unit". Air Power History. 59 (4): 14–27. ISSN 1044-016X. 
  • Hawkins, David (1946). Project Y: The Los Alamos Project Inception through August 1945 (PDF). Manhattan District History. Los Alamos, New Mexico: Los Alamos National Laboratory. Diakses tanggal 11 August 2011. 
  • Hoddeson, Lillian; Henriksen, Paul W.; Meade, Roger A.; Westfall, Catherine L. (1993). Critical Assembly: A Technical History of Los Alamos During the Oppenheimer Years, 1943–1945. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-44132-3. OCLC 26764320. 
  • Jones, Vincent (1985). Manhattan: The Army and the Atomic Bomb (PDF). Washington, D.C.: United States Army Center of Military History. OCLC 10913875. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal 2014-10-07. Diakses tanggal 25 August 2013. 
  • Krauss, Robert; Krauss, Amelia, ed. (2005). The 509th Remembered: A History of the 509th Composite Group as Told by the Veterans Themselves, 509th Anniversary Reunion, Wichita, Kansas October 7–10, 2004. Buchanan, Michigan: 509th Press. ISBN 978-0-923568-66-5. OCLC 59148135. 
  • Lewis, Robert A.; Tolzer, Eliot (August 1957). "How We Dropped the A-Bomb". Popular Science. hlm. 71–75, 209–210. 
  • Ramsey, N. F. (2012). "History of Project A". Dalam Coster-Mullen, John. Atom Bombs: The Top Secret Inside Story of Little Boy and Fat Man. United States: J. Coster-Mullen. OCLC 298514167. 
  • Rhodes, Richard (1986). The Making of the Atomic Bomb. New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0-684-81378-5. OCLC 13793436. 
  • Russ, Harlow W. (1990). Project Alberta: The Preparation of Atomic Bombs For Use in World War II. Los Alamos, New Mexico: Exceptional Books. ISBN 978-0-944482-01-8. OCLC 24429257. 

Pranala luar

  • Video footage of the bombing of Nagasaki (silent) di YouTube
  • "Instructions to CG XXI Bomber Command regarding 'Project A'" (PDF). National Archives. 9 May 1945. Diakses tanggal 8 March 2014. 
  • l
  • b
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Garis waktu
The rising mushroom cloud from the Nagasaki "Fat Man" bomb, August 9, 1945
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